The Importance Of Infinite Curiosity And Resilience In Achieving Your Dreams (Featuring Trish Overton)


My guest on this week’s podcast is Trish Overton of Apella Capital in Atlanta. Trish is one of those awesome people who shines a bright light in this world. She has a terrific knack for bringing out the best in others. Trish is also amazing at staying focused, building systems and getting things done. Her clients absolutely love her and her team. I’m 100% confident you’ll enjoy our conversation, it’s filled with positive energy and a ton of joyfulness.

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Connect With Our Guest, Trish Overton:

Podcast Transcript

Rob  00:05

Hello friends, you know, most of us have or have had great people helping us run our businesses, people you can’t do without. And today’s guest is Trish Overton of Apella Capitol in Atlanta. Trish is awesome at staying focused, building systems, getting things done, but more importantly, really being a fan and a cheerleader for other people. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed our conversation, which makes me 100% positive that you’ll be glad you’re listening to the Truest Fan Podcast today. Enjoy.

Announcer  00:47

You’re listening to the truest fan podcast. And now here’s your host, Rob Brown.

Rob  00:57

Okay, welcome, everyone. This is Rob Brown. Welcome back to the Truest Fan Podcast. And today I am excited to have with us Trish Overton. Trish is a partner in the Atlanta office of Apella Capital Management, as well as one of four senior managers who oversees all of the operations at Apella. And in full disclosure, Trish is also one of my clients. And I’d say that she is one of my favorite clients, but that might make all of my other favorite clients feel like they’re not as special as she is. But Trish, it’s great to have you here today.

Trish Overton  01:31

Oh, thank you. Good morning.

Rob  01:32

So we actually had this conversation. So I know what your answer is going to be. And it’s going to hurt. But Trish one of the backstories of Truest Fan and writing that book was relating it to my love of the Cleveland Indians. So I think it’s always only fair to ask, Who is your favorite baseball team?

Trish Overton  01:51

Well, as you know, it’s the Chicago Cubs. And I know that hurts you. But I can’t help it. I love the cubbies. second favorite team is the Brewers because I grew up in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Rob  02:02

Well, you are actually I think you’re a, I don’t know what you would call that, somebody who has reasons for having a couple of different favorite teams, both in baseball and in football because of family and geography. So but a great sports fan. You know, what is it? What is it about being a sports fan do you think that helps you be like a better fan in in life? Do you ever do you ever make that connection?

Trish Overton  02:29

Absolutely. All the time, I make it in life. I use it for analogies all the time. In part, it’s because some sports are team sports, some sports are solo sports, some sports are in pairs, such as tennis, or in golf, you can be in a foursome. But nonetheless, one of the things sports does for a person is it forces you to uplevel your own game all the time, you’re always striving to be better. You’re always striving to you know, increase your speed, increase your acuity, whatever it is, your athletic acumen, whatever it is, but also you’re looking out for your teammates. And it teaches you that from a very young age, and we played sports in my family, from the time we were in the parks and rec leagues, when you don’t know what you’re doing, you’re running the wrong way. You’re hitting the ball, wherever you’re picking up bugs on the field. Until, you know, high school we didn’t we weren’t good enough to go to college athletics, but it doesn’t matter. I’m still extremely involved in sports and athletics, as you know as so as Phil, my partner, so it just stands to reason. And then growing up in Green Bay, Wisconsin, we went to all the sports because there’s not a whole lot to do in Green Bay, Wisconsin. So since the age of two, I was going to Green Bay Packer games, Milwaukee Bucks games and Brewers games. So I learned a lot from all of that. So our family was very involved in a lot of athletic endeavors. And so it teaches you a lot about life. And so I think I do use it in all aspects of life.

Rob  04:03

And there’s also that loyalty aspect too. I think that comes

Trish Overton  04:07


Rob  04:07

Being not well being on a team but also being a fan of a team kind of carry over to other things because it teaches you if you follow along with that team and they have some rough times you can empathize with that and you know, they’re going to be good times and you keep rooting them on anyway. And then when you beat the Indians in the World Series, you can celebrate so we have that too.

Trish Overton  04:28

Being a Packer fan and a Cubs fan. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. We hear that in common. See,

Rob  04:33

there you go. There you go. So let’s move on from talking about sports to talking about good advice you’ve been given. You know, my favorite question to ask to get into further conversation on the podcast is just I love to learn what lessons my guests have learned in their lives from maybe from surprising places, but maybe from friends or family that have really inspired you and stuck with you through your life is there Was there a lesson that really, or a couple of lessons that really stand out to you?

Trish Overton  05:03

Yeah, I’ve been very lucky. I’ve had some very good mentors, some of which that I didn’t realize were mentors until long afterwards, they taught me that my infinite curiosity is actually a good thing, not a bad thing. And that resilience is the key. So, every time you get knocked down, you get back up. It doesn’t matter what aspect of life it is in business, personal life, whatever it is, resilience is key. And the third thing that really, really truly matters is your attitude of gratitude. And I think you know that about me that regardless of how crappy things may going, may be going in your life, you absolutely have something to be grateful for every single minute of every single day. So those are the three things that constantly fuel me. So let’s, let’s dig into those a little bit. I want to start with that idea that infinite curiosity is a good thing. That’s not something that you know, and not that gratitude and resilience are, you know, not, you know, aren’t important. But you might hear those words more often when you’re talking with people about things that they that drive them and they believe in but infinite curiosity, what do you mean by infinite curiosity, share some examples. So for instance, everyone has a story, every single person you meet has a story. And so it doesn’t matter if it’s your client, it doesn’t matter if it’s your Uber driver, your server at a restaurant, the security guard down stairs, in our building, everyone has a story, you don’t know where they came from, you don’t know what’s going on with them that day. And if you always keep that in mind, you know, to treat people with the same sort of respect and regard them with, shine the same light on them, that you would shine on the President of the United States, or the Queen of England. And they feel that and that draws people to you, that attracts people to you. And that has brought a lot of actually brought a lot of clients on to our firm and on board with us. But regardless of business, it also has created a lot of very, very valuable relationships in my life, and people come and go in your life, but that’s vastly important. And also, you never know, you never know what you’re going to need when you’re going to need it. And if you’re infinitely curious, you’re going to pick things up in life that you may need. At some point, you always need to be learning, it’s going to keep you alive, it’s going to keep you always learning and always growing. And I always want to be growing and up leveling, and I’m never ever bored. And one of the things my parents always said to us, when we were growing up is only boring, people are bored. And I can tell you, for sure, I am never bored, ever, ever, ever. So I think that infinite curiosity keeps me from being bored. You can stick me in a parking lot by myself, anywhere, I won’t be bored, I’ll figure out something to do. I’ll figure out someone to talk. I’ll figure out something. And that infinite curiosity keeps me going. As you know, you know me for a long time now. I listen to all kinds of different podcasts, I read all kinds of different books, I read probably three different kinds of books at a time of three different genres. It just keeps you more interesting. It keeps you more interested in life and just keeps you growing.

Rob  08:23

That’s well put, I liked I liked that. Because there’s it’s the infinite curiosity about people, people that you may only meet briefly, but by getting to know them just a little bit by having asking some curious questions, you make them feel special, you know, and that’s, you know, obviously, one of the, one of the key attributes of a truest fan is making somebody feel special. So by being curious about somebody asking them sincerely, you know, how they are? Or how did you get this job? You know, you know, I’ve ever thought about being a security guard in an office building, but you’ve been here a long time tell it, why do you why do you like what you do? So that’s a type of curiosity where you can learn and also encourage people and give them some light, as you said, but there’s also the curiosity about things and places I know you like to travel, and you said, you read and you do podcasts. So it’s, it’s also about more than just people it’s just about the circumstances, being aware of the life around you. That’s, that’s, that’s, that’s cool. And that and that curiosity that helps you grow just like it sounds like it just there’s like these lessons that are constantly pinging at you that you’re able to learn from because you’re open to possibilities because of that curiosity. That’s also a really, really cool way to think. So but you also mentioned resilience and when I think about resilience with you, I just I think about the way that you are the way that you’re you take your health and your fitness so seriously, when we talk or I see you post on Facebook quite often is because You’re sharing some athletic experience that you’re trying or that you’re doing regularly. Is that an example of resilience to you and are there other others?

Trish Overton  10:09

That’s part of it. And I try honestly, I don’t post negative things on purpose. But part of that is because I’ve overcome so much physical and health, physically and the health issues that I’ve had and I’ve haven’t a lot of health issues that I’ve overcome, but I try not to post negative things because I think I once joined, I have chronic migraines that have gotten much, much worse since I’ve moved to Atlanta because of the barometric pressure here. There’s this weather pattern that happens in Atlanta that I learned after I moved here, my neurologist explained, the Gulf Coast sends up warm air fronts, and then the cool air fronts come down from the north, and they sit over Atlanta in what’s called a wedge weather pattern. And I never heard of that before. And that for people like me with that are sensitive to that pushes down, the barometric pressure presses down on people that are sensitive to it and gives you migraines. And I have terrible migraines. So I do a lot of things to combat that I do everything I can I go to the chiropractor, I drink a ton of water, I get Botox for migraines in my head and my shoulders, I take preventative medication, and then I have medication that I take to as I’m, as I have a migraine, and I work out, I do lots of things to combat that. So that’s one of my health issues. So I joined a Facebook group once for migraine sufferers thinking, Oh, they’ll help me it’ll be uplifting. It’ll help me get ideas to help with this. And really what it did was bring me completely down because all people did was complain and whine, and oh, my gosh, I couldn’t get out of bed for three days. And I’m not that kind of person. You know, I get up, I come to work, I work through it. If I need to go home and lay down for an hour or two, then I get up and keep going. But so I got up at that. Because I was like, Oh no, no, we’re not when I’m not doing this because I will absorb that negativity. So I may I make a choice not to post a lot about it every once in a while. I’ll mention oh my gosh, I had a four day migraine, thank goodness, it’s over, you know, so I go to the chiropractor, I do all these things. But I don’t get online to complain, because it doesn’t help anyone. It doesn’t help. It doesn’t help me.  I have moments.

Rob  12:15

Right? It doesn’t help you. And it probably doesn’t help somebody else who has a migraine who is going to have somebody else to have you know, a pity party with and that might sound a little rash. But I think again, just like with infinite curiosity, you’ve brought a little bit of a different flavor to the way that I think I’m thinking about resilience now because I think I knew that you have these migraines, I didn’t know that they were as chronic as they are. But it’s hard knowing you to imagine that you suffer through them because you’re always so upbeat and on target and you never complain. And it’s okay to complain. You know, every once in a while, I’m sure you have your private moments or your moments with your, with Phil or whatever, but just the idea of resilience being saying, hey, you know, I’ve got this thing that can get me down if I let it. And I’m not going to let it and that’s a great example of resilience, and then also trying to be a good example to people so that maybe they can learn from that resilience more than they can learn by just, you know, I don’t know what migraine sufferers, you know, say, but I can imagine their comparisons all the time of you know, this is, you know, worse than the hurricane of 1987. Now, there’s some yeah, there’s some memory that they have that they can compare things to. And that doesn’t help. And I think we live in a world where it’s really easy to excuse the French, you know, bitch and moan and complain. And at the end is, what good does it do you know, other than some momentary relief, to be resilient is to just accept your circumstances good or bad and, and plug through and get the things done that you really, really want to get through. But I want to switch topics again, because again, you mentioned gratitude. And I one of the things that I have witnessed you involved in from a distance is your favorite charity. And I want you to talk a little bit about the work that you’re doing and explain a little bit about that charity work because there’s no greater example of gratitude that I can think of in the work that you’re doing.

Trish Overton  14:22

Oh, it’s amazing. So and that’s another thing that people don’t understand at all sometimes. So the charity is called Bert’s Big Adventure and Bert Weiss is a DJ here in Atlanta of the number one radio show in the morning and he started this charity 20 years ago with his then wife, Stacy, and they take 13 chronically and terminally ill children and their entire family, all of their caregivers, their siblings, anyone in the household on a VIP trip to Disney once a year. It’s 13 different children each year, so families apply and then they screen through them and then What happens is their team they have the most amazing team ever gets to know each child intimately, their likes, their dislikes, what they love, what lights these children up. And then there’s this group of volunteers and that’s what I’m part of called the Fairy Godparents. And actually Phil in his and the boys, my stepsons are also involved, not as deeply or as often as I am, but we, the volunteers, get together. And when they, when they’re leading up to this trip, we have a send off party for these kids. And it’s a huge Gala, and all of the Disney Princesses all of the Star Wars characters, The Avengers, all of this, the heroes all come to this party, and we send these kids off to Disney. And you’ve never seen such delight, these kids are just in awe, and they don’t even know what they’re in for yet. And they’re chronically and terminally ill children. So everyone says doesn’t that just make you so sad, and I tried to explain, there’s nothing like the strength of these little munchkins and their families or the gratitude that comes from them. And I always every single time, I get to know any of these families, and and once they’re in this Bert’s Big Adventure group, the families are part of the family, the Bert’s Big Adventure Family for life. So now we have over 500 people in the group. And we have four reunions a year. So we have like a pool party in the summer we’re about to have, we have a party like Dave and Busters. So there’s four reunions a year. So I get to see them four times a year at a party. And then throughout the year, if any of the kiddos gets put into the hospital, which is quite often they send out an email to all of us very fairy god parents us very godparents, signs up and we go, we go to the hospital to visit them and bring them toys or crafts, or whatever the child loves to do along with treats and food. And we try to give the parents a break. Because when you’re chronically or terminally ill kid is in the hospital, one parent is there 24/7. And so we get to know these families very, very well. And I can tell you 1,000%, that I come away with my heart full much more than I ever leave them. So it’s not sad. It is it lights me up, I think more than it lights them up. I say that, I don’t know. But they’re so grateful for this foundation. But what we’re grateful for them.

Rob  17:24

It’s a great example of gratitude. Because when you have that type of gratitude, it’s a two way street and you’re not doing it because you

Trish Overton  17:33


Rob  17:34

Are trying to make yourself feel good. You’re doing it because you’re trying to help the kiddos as you call them, and to be there for them and their families. And you know that it’s impacting them. I mean, we have 500 people that are there sticking together and they you all got to meet because of terrible things going on in their lives. But you stick together, you stay with it. And they feel that and then you walk away and you’re like, Wow, I’m blessed. How could I not be grateful? Not because there’s a child who’s sick, but because

Trish Overton  18:06


Rob  18:06

You were you were called you’re put in that place where you could serve selflessly.

Trish Overton  18:10

Yes, absolutely. Yes. And so, in the best part is like when one of the kiddos goes into like, for instance, little Stella who was just at the most recent Disney trip, she has cancer and she has a little bald head, she’s six, she’s the cutest thing. She doesn’t ever front teeth, because she you know, at the point where you lose your teeth, and she’s so cute, and she just bonded. I bonded with her really, really well. And she’s in currently in remission. And so she’s growing her little hair back, and she’s obsessed with unicorns, and Barbies. And I, I was recently getting rid of my old bicycle because I got a new one. And so I brought my bike up to her house to give to her mom so she could pull her and on the back of the bike and one of those little carriers and she came out with a cape on and it was unicorn national unicorn day. So she wanted me to go in the house for four of her unicorns. So I stayed for like three hours and we played with unicorns and it was the cutest thing ever. So now she texted me while I was on vacation in Mexico, and she said she texted me on our mom’s phone and she said Miss Trish, I got a Barbie Dream House, I want you to come see it. So this weekend, I’m going to go see her. And I got her Barbie Dream Car convertible dream car to go with her Barbie Dream House. So I’m going to surprise her with that, but she’s doing fantastic. And so I get to see them as well when they’re not in the hospital. So that’s really fun too. And she’s just the sweetest thing ever. So yeah, I mean, it lights me up. It lights them up. It’s just amazing. It’s amazing. And Bert Weiss, that whole radio team, all of them and the whole foundation staff, they’re all angels. They’re amazing.

Rob  19:48

Well I’ll be sure to put a link to Bert’s Big Adventure in the show notes. So folks who are listening to the podcast if they want to learn more, maybe make a contribution to the cause they’ll be able to do that. So

Trish Overton  20:01

That would be amazing.

Announcer  20:08

Are you ready to discover your true purpose, live with impact and build an ever-greater legacy? Then you need to make time for what truly matters most. Go to truest to begin the free, truest fan seven day QuickStart.

Rob  20:33

Yeah, so just switching gears a little bit, but kind of staying on? Well, I guess they’re all connected. I mean, that now is I’m thinking about your infinite curiosity, your resilience, and your gratitude is kind of guiding lights for you, I can see how they connect. Because as you were describing what you’re doing with Bert’s, you’re infinitely curious, you know, you’re looking for ways that you can serve and help and be there. For those kiddos and their families, you’re sharing your resilience with them. Because if those kids and families need anything, they need resilience, they need to learn to be resilient and fight through what they’re going through. And then and then the gratitude. That’s just so, I can see how that connects, and probably connects in lots of ways talk about how that relates to your relationship with your clients. You know, I had the pleasure of being at one of your client events when I was in Atlanta last year. And I’ve never been I’ve been to lots of client events as an advisor or other advisors, client events. I’ve never been to a client event where the clients were really so happy to meet and greet you and the other members of your team. I mean, it wasn’t it wasn’t just you all didn’t have to seek them out and say remember me I’m Trish, you know, they knew that you were Trish and they were looking for you and they had words and hugs and. And so talk a little bit about how this relates to your, do you think it relates more directly to your business? No, not the barbecue, but just the whole the whole client relationship and infinite curiosity and resilience and in gratitude.

Trish Overton  22:09

So that that was a barbecue where it rained, and the band had to shut down and every like 80 out of like, 120 People still stayed right?

Rob  22:17

Right yeah. Maybe that’s all you need to say. We had a party for 150 people, the band couldn’t play because of the thunderstorm. But the people still stuck around.

Trish Overton  22:30

Yes. So yes, so I’m planning that barbecue right now, actually, for this year. So we work really, really hard, really hard at building those relationships with our clients and finding out what lights them up. And for instance, one of our clients Sue, she’s from New York, and she’s, she’s tough. She’s very tough. She thinks fidelity is the devil, don’t it, they’re not, but she just she wants them to do everything her way. And that’s it and boom, boom, boom. And if you know, whatever, if anything is wrong, even if it’s not wrong, it’s wrong. She’s tough. You know, she’s, she’s an older lady. And she’s had several surgeries and she had a surgery recently on her shoulder. And so we sent her for her last surgery we sent her we go to the dollar store, and we get these little “hang in there” monkeys, these little monkeys, I pay $1 for them. So I buy them 20 of them at a time and they have little Velcro on their hands and their hands stick together. And then we send when someone’s having surgery or they’re ill or something like that we send them a “hang in there” monkey with a card which I also get at the dollar store. And we all send the whole team signs it we try very hard to incorporate the entire team and everything and we say hang in there after your surgery, we’re thinking of you. So we always get pictures back where they’re hanging on their doorknob, or they’re hanging next to their chair when they’re recovering or whatever. So I since I had already sent her that one for her last surgery. So I sent her a card this time then I called her and said Do you need anything whatever and she said Thank you sweetheart for the card. And they said the other I have my hang in there monkey from last time hanging next to my chair for when I come home. So she remembered that and then we went away on vacation. i We came back I called her yesterday. And she’s like, I’m doing fine. I knew you’d call blah, blah, blah. So we try really hard. I put reminders on my calendar for all of these things. Another client of ours is going through cancer treatment and she’s getting stem cell replacement like she’s doing some normal medicine type of things, Western medicine, and she’s also doing some other things. So we make sure we check in with her and like I send her flowers and do things like that. But we also we try to like remember I listen and listen very closely. And if someone’s dog is dies or something like that, I send a card for that. Someone’s a client of ours a 19 year old grandchild had a terrible car accident and she’s in a coma at Vanderbilt hospital. So we’ve been keeping close tabs on that. So I try very, very hard to listen to those details and build those relationships and So we actually, we, we’ve been, I’ve been here since 2012. So by now, we have generational clients, we have clients that have brought their children in, and we have them as clients now. So we’re, you know, we just listen very closely, and I keep very good notes. So that we build up, you know, the, the relationships are very strong. And I tried to involve the entire team, and like for birthdays, we call and sing to them. And we send out a lot of videos, and we can’t sing, let me tell you, it’s not a pretty song. But they think it’s funny. So that’s, that’s the whole point.

Rob  25:36

Yeah, that’s awesome. And there’s so much packed into what you just said, the first thing that popped into my mind is, you know, the whole idea of being a truest fan is in business is to cheer on your clients, and to be their cheerleaders, and really route them on through life, whether you’re, you know, just helping them, you know, put their plan together and manage the financial side of it. Or, as you said, you listen to them, what, what is it they really want? What is it that’s really going on with them, that you as somebody who is giving the tagline for Apella is advice for life, right? So it’s not just, you know, you know, put the money in this portfolio, or this is the way your financial plan should look, it’s actually how can we guide you help guide you through life through the good times and the bad times. And that listening is an example of what you talked about first, with switches that infinite curiosity. And then the gratitude is just displayed in the way that you interact with your clients. And you can see that genuine love and care that you have for them that they’re obviously reflecting back on you, even if they’re a grumpy client who wants everything right, they can still appreciate the fact that you’re what and not that they shouldn’t want everything right, but maybe more than right,

Trish Overton  26:55


Rob  26:55

But they could still reflect that gratitude back at you.

Trish Overton  26:58

Exactly. And they do know, they can call us anytime. And we’re going to go to bat for them. And they know that their money’s safe, they know that, you know, it doesn’t matter where we are or what’s going on, we’re there for them to answer their questions. They call us about their mortgages, they call us when they want to buy a new car, when you know, they’re thinking about whatever purchase or thinking about gifting their grandchild. They know what their financial needs, they can call us. And either Phil or myself is here for them, regardless of anything. So they have that down pat, but they also want to know what’s going on in our lives. You know, they want to know how the boys are doing. They want to know, you know, when are we going to get married? That’s constantly the question, every time we go on vacation, did you guys get married every single time, you know, they’re very interested in our lives as well. So you know, that’s always you know, a good thing. They’re invested in us as well. So you know, and at the barbecue, it feels like a wedding at the barbecue of each year, because they all want to hug both of us. So we kind of conquer and divide, you know, to make sure that we greet every single person to make sure we give every single person face time.

Rob  28:04

That client experience that you deliver is exceptional. And, you know, it’s, I want to say this the right way. Because I’m often accused of liking to measure things like how do you measure something is working. And sometimes in situations where measurement isn’t necessary, this is probably a case where measurement really isn’t necessary. But I’ll say this anyway, I don’t work with anybody who does a better job of getting regular referrals and introductions to new clients from their existing clients. And if you were, and I think when you think about that, that is kind of a reflection, maybe as opposed to a measure of the work that you do the introductions, you know, become easy, because those clients that you work with, say, Well, if Trish and Phil on the team treat me this way, then they’re probably going to treat my friends and my family and other people that we introduced to them that same way. And that’s really a gift to that person that they might introduce you to.

Trish Overton  29:11

Well thank you and part that is thanks to you for helping us bridge that to get those I mean, because that’s true, hopefully they do think that but and know that and we do make sure to treat their introduction the same way. But we had to get to the point where we’d make them think, oh, we need to introduce our friends to them. We need to introduce our, you know, right or our neighbors to them.

Rob  29:34

It’s not an accident that you’re getting those introductions, you’re certainly planting the seed but I I’m confident that that is a reflection of what you do. So we’re coming up to the end we’ve got a little longer maybe then we planned but it’s been a great conversation. But as we as we close I just want to give you one kind of one last opportunity to share is there something else that you think the audience should know? You know, they’re thinking about being truest fans and that belief in themselves and others and the way that they share that what else, you know, kind of pops into your into your mind.

Trish Overton  30:10

Um, the only other thing that I had thought about is that, you know, if you have the positive energy and that joyfulness about you, it reflects in everything that you do, and that’s what draws people to you. And that attitude of gratitude, no matter how crappy things are, and when I’m having a four day migraine, literally, sometimes when I’m laying down, and I’m in intense, utter pain, I’m laying there consciously thinking, I’m thankful for this bed that I’m laying in, there’s a roof over my head, you know, the air conditioning, I’m getting down to the basics. So there’s always something to be thankful for. There’s always something, always something that you can improve on that you can level up, you know, there, everything is going to be okay, no matter what, there’s always someone that will help you. That’s it. That’s it. That’s the whole secret. That’s it.

Rob  31:05

Yeah, so obvious yet sometimes so hard to remember positive energy and joyfulness, and that actually makes me think about the truce fan lesson on smiles and kind words, you know, go a long way, you know, when you are again, constantly trying to smile and show that you’re that you’re happy, and you send kind words along, people see that positive energy and that joy and it’s, it’s infectious, and it spreads and lifts that person up and hopefully makes the person that you touch, even spread, spread their happiness and their positive energy and their joy.

Trish Overton  31:42

And it can change someone’s whole day, you don’t know you, most of the time you have no idea how you can affect someone good or bad. So it might as well be good.

Rob  31:52

Might as well be good. I love it. I love it.

Trish Overton  31:54

And you know we are we’re your truest fans, for sure.

Rob  31:57

Thank you, I obviously the feeling is, is mutual. So if somebody wants to learn more about the work that you all do at Apella Capital Management, what’s the best way to get in touch with?

Trish Overton  32:09

You can either call us at 678-218-5925 or they can go to Apella Capital ATO on Facebook or Instagram.

Rob  32:19

Okay, cool. I’ll make sure we put that info in the show notes because there might be some folks out there that would love to work with somebody who has positive energy and joyfulness, especially in the environment.

Trish Overton  32:31

And we have lots of good webinars. And yeah,

Rob  32:33

Yeah. Lots of great stuff. So I’ll put that in the show notes. But Trish, this has been awesome. I just, I just want to go back and kind of re-emphasize your message today, live with infinite curiosity about people and places and things you do. It has a way of making you a stronger person, but also helps lift other people up, be resilient, don’t let the people who want to bring you down bring you down, have resilience or the stuff that brings you down just to be resilient, bounce back, bounce back quickly, and have an attitude of gratitude and have that attitude with lots of positive energy and joy. I like to think you know about action items at the end of this podcast and you know, what can people do? There’s so much that you can take from that walk away, but maybe more than anything else. If you just pick one of those ideas and say how am I going to be more curious, how am I going to be more resilient? How can I be more grateful? How can I have more positive energy, just you don’t have to do them all just pick one, go about it, make somebody else smile, and maybe that’ll get you started? So again, thanks Trish for being here. And we will we’ll call it we’ll call it the show. Take care.

Trish Overton  33:41

Thank you for having me. Bye coach.


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