Breaking Through Capacity Roadblocks: A Productivity Framework for Financial Advisors

Discover how overcoming capacity roadblocks can propel financial advisors towards greater efficiency and business growth.

Discover how overcoming capacity roadblocks can propel financial advisors towards greater efficiency and business growth. In the competitive world of financial planning and investment management, overcoming capacity roadblocks is a common challenge. Many advisors find themselves at a crossroads, trying to ‘grind it out’ amidst a sea of day-to-day tasks, losing sight of growth, team […]

Will You REALLY Accomplish Your Goals This Year?

Will You REALLY Accomplish Your Goals This Year? (Hosted by Rob Brown and Phil Calandra)

You can’t just write your goals and hope that they will magically come true. To accomplish goals, you need a plan with specific, measurable action steps. This way you know what you need to do each day to actually achieve your targets. When you focus time on developing action plans, you stop daydreaming about what could be possible. You procrastinate less and get time back in your day. Ultimately, you achieve the things that matter most to you.

Align and Thrive: Unleashing the Power to Achieve Your Goals

In this week’s episode of The Truest Fan Blueprint, Rob Brown and Phil Calandra dive deep into the common feeling of falling behind on our goals. They reveal the main culprits that cause our aspirations to stall, and most importantly, they share their battle-tested planning strategy to get back on track.