Unleashing Passion & Potential: A Framework for Building Winning Teams


Are you confident that you have the right people in the right roles within your company? Building cohesive teams that complement each other’s strengths is crucial, yet many leaders struggle with this challenge.

In today’s episode, hosts Rob Brown and Phil Calandra explore an insightful framework from one of their favorite authors that not only helps to develop better leaders but also assess potential team members. It revolves around three key factors: “get it, want it, and the capacity to make it happen.”

As experienced business coaches and leaders of their own ventures, Rob and Phil have witnessed the repercussions of mismatched teams, where disengaged members drain momentum and disrupt progress. They delve into the three essential ingredients for fostering unified teams: understanding the vision, intrinsic motivation, and the ability to execute. They further illustrate these concepts with real-life examples of hiring mistakes that could have been avoided by assessing these attributes from the start.

A significant insight from their discussion is that while skills can be taught, passion is more challenging to instill. Leaders often overlook valuable team members working behind the scenes who deeply believe in the company’s mission. Sometimes, the intrinsic drive for the work itself outweighs monetary compensation.

Overall, this episode offers valuable guidance for building and nurturing exceptional teams, ensuring your organization’s long-term success.

In this week’s episode, Rob and Phil shed light on the following crucial topics:

  • Teamwork: Understanding, desiring, and having the capacity to achieve it
  • The importance of genuine motivation in team roles beyond financial incentives
  • Finding motivation during challenging times: The strength of wanting something for the right reasons
  • Applying the principles: Creating teams and personal growth


Gain insights to develop your own hiring framework and drive company success. This engaging discussion will resonate with leaders looking to foster cohesive, dedicated teams and redefine the essence of finding the right talent.

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Podcast Transcript

Phil Calandra Snippet (00:05):

Wanting something and really wanting it for the right reason is another way of saying that you’re going to continue down the right path. Even when the motivation wanes, that goes by the wayside, you eventually get in that comfort zone. 

And unless you want it, you really going to have to think long and hard of that bout that it’s not just about the money.

Rob Brown Snippet (00:29):

A lot of entrepreneurs, a lot of financial advisors don’t regularly hire. So they’ll run into somebody who they’re really excited about. And they’ll just go ahead and hire them. And they’ll say, Well, it’s a great person, it’ll work out. 

But they don’t really understand whether that person gets what they do and has the capacity to be able to do it. They may want it because they’re applying for the role. But you’ve got to answer all three pieces get it wanted, have capacity to do it.

Rob Brown Intro (01:00):

Welcome to The Truest Fan Blueprint, a podcast for financial advisors, and other professionals looking to get the most out of yourself and your business. I’m Rob Brown, and my partner, Phil Calandra. 

And I promise to walk you through a journey that will allow you to take action in your business and your life, so that you can be the best that you can possibly be. Thanks for listening.

Welcome to the Truest Fan Blueprint. Rob Brown here along with my good friend and partner, Phil Calandra. Phil, welcome to the podcast today.

Phil Calandra (01:54):

Hi, Rob. Glad to be back.

Rob Brown (01:57):

Yeah, absolutely. So what we want to talk about today is sparked by a phrase that one of our clients used with me the other day that really got me thinking about team building and making sure we have the right people on our team. 

But also thinking about how sometimes we take on more than we can possibly handle, because we don’t have a time to do it. And the phrase that this client used is get it, want it and capacity to do it. G WC and, and for some of you that may be a familiar term, it comes from the book traction, and it is a way to think about making sure you have the right people on the right seat on your bus. When you’re building your team. 

Do you have people who get it they get what they’re doing, they understand the industry and the role that they’re in? Do they want it? Is this a role that they really want to play and they’re excited about? 

And then do they have the capacity to do and that can be a little bit of a time thing. And it could also be the personal knowledge or the personal skills to be able to execute on it? I think it’s a great question to ask when you’re hiring or when you’re considering putting an action step into your truest fan action plan? 

Do we as a team, get it? Want it and have the capacity to do it? It’s a great three part measuring stick that really jumps out to me. I know it did to you as well, Phil? Yeah, it does.

Phil Calandra (03:28):

And to a large extent, if you don’t have all of those components, you may be setting yourself up for some unwanted failure. And when you’re building a team around you, you have to be as the scripture says, equally yoked, it could be in any type of relationship, you have to have this commonality, you know, what scripture would call equally yoked. 

And sometimes it’s hard to get the Get It wanted and capacity components to line up. And I do think that you’re going to run into some disappointment if you don’t have those things in alignment.

Rob Brown (04:07):

Yeah, that’s absolutely true. Probably where I see that the most is in the hiring process. So with our private clients, sometimes we will help them make decisions on what roles they need to create or fill or build on their teams. 

And then, depending on the project, we may actually get involved in the interviewing process. And the reason that we do is because especially me, I’ve hired lots of people over the years and help lots of people, hire other people. 

So I’m comfortable with the connections and I’m willing to ask the questions to understand but yeah, a lot of entrepreneurs a lot of financial advisors don’t regularly hire so they’ll run into somebody who they’re really excited about. I mean and others go ahead and hire them. 

And they’ll say, Well, it’s a great person, it’ll work out. But they don’t really understand whether that person gets what they do and has the capacity to be able to do it, they may want it because they’re applying for the role. 

But you’ve got to answer all three pieces, get it, want it, have capacity to do it. And on the flip side, sometimes you run into somebody in the hiring process, when you’re building your your team, that on the surface doesn’t seem like a good fit, because they do a horrible job, interviewing, they don’t have the same energy level that you have. 

But if again, you stop and take the time to see where they really are in that full spectrum, it can make it easier. And that person may be that you want to hire because they have the right ambition isn’t the right person. And that person that you have a negative impression of front is really the right person. 

But you’ve got to, you’ve got to dig deep, you’ve got to be able to understand the different elements of it. So I think that’s another place where get it one and capacity to do it really fit in.

Phil Calandra (06:10):

Yeah, that’s a great point, Rob. And it’s an interesting dynamic, especially in our world as financial advisors, I doubt very seriously, there are many financial advisors that don’t have at least the burning desire to help other people, I would hope that’s why somebody would become a fiduciary advisor, even if they’re commission based or whatever, however you define yourself as a practitioner, most financial advisors want to help other people. 

But in the hiring process of staff of operations personnel, a financial paraplanners, maybe it’s a trading function, that is sometimes difficult to find those other team members that have that same passion and burning desire to want to do it takes on a new complexion, if they’re just solving for a job, you want to make sure that the people that are with you, as a teammate, are bought into the vision and what you’re trying to do. 

And I’ll give you my perfect example. Because you know, this scenario, Rob, when Trish Overton came to me, from Chicago, worked for a colleague friend in Buffalo Grove, Illinois. And I couldn’t pay it, what she was worse, she took a role here in Atlanta moved halfway down south here. And I knew she wasn’t paid what she was worth. 

But she was bought into the vision, she bought into what I was trying to build as an advisory practice in Atlanta. And now we’re, gosh, I don’t know, 1213 years into this endeavor together and have built a wildly successful practice. And I could not have done that, without Trish taking the operations Helm. 

And she was bought in, she understood exactly what I was trying to build, she understood exactly what I was trying to create. So when you look at those kind of the GW See, she got it, she wanted to be involved and be engaged in that. 

And she, of course, she had the capacity to do it. And now she’s moved on to bigger and better things as we’ve merged our practice. But, you know, I don’t think you have that kind of success without those components. And I’m proof positive of that.

Rob Brown (08:32):

Yeah. And that’s, that’s a great, very practical example. Because, as you referenced that, that also ties that back into what we always talk about the vision that you had for where you want to your business to go, needed to have the right people on the team. 

And when you found that right person, it was much easier to really grow and go forward. And you know, that that wants it thing in the middle. You know, I guess we could probably argue all day long as to like, which one is most important, but since they’re only three, they, I guess they all have to be important, but that that wants it part is really is really something because I know I run into advisors, or people running businesses all the time, that don’t really want it, you know, they all they have in their head is I’ve heard that I can make a bunch of money, you know, creating this internet sensation, or I can make a bunch of money. You know, being a financial advisor, and they make it all about the money. 

They want money. They don’t want the business they’re building or the role that they’re going to play as a part of it. But then I also run into lots of great people who are on teams that have roles that are behind the scenes that maybe a client would never see. 

But you hear them talk about that role that they’re are in as they’re building that website, or they’re handling that paperwork, and they just love it. Because what they want is to be part of a team that’s doing great things for their clients and customers. 

And they know that, even though they’re behind the scenes, and they’re not the one that that client or customer is seeing, they are an integral part of the process. And they know that by being an integral part of that process, they’re having life impact. So they really want that role that they’re in. 

So I guess maybe I’m playing favorites here. But you know, get it, I get what the role is. I have the capacity, the knowledge, education, do it. Yeah. But do I really want it whether I’m, you know, the person making all the decisions, or I’m that person in the back of the room doing the work that’s really, really important to the organization or really want it because it’s going to make a difference to me in my life and the lives of the people that we impact through our businesses.

Phil Calandra (11:01):

Yeah, I think I agree with you, Rob, I think the walnut component would be elevated to top tier for me as well. And we’re going to do a show, we’re going to talk about the difference between motivation and discipline. 

But I think that wanting something and really wanting it for the right reason, is another way of saying that you’re going to continue down the right path, Even when the motivation wanes, because the motivation on the front end is well, I got the job I’m making 50 6070 $100,000 a year that goes by the wayside, you eventually get in that comfort zone. 

And unless you want it, which in in our world as a financial advisor, you really going to have to think long and hard of that bout that. It’s not just about the money. And we’re convinced again, that if we’re conditioned, and we’re in a position where we think it’s convenient and easy once you have the job, but it really doesn’t, it really isn’t. It’s continuous. 

It’s a continuous struggle, and it’s a continuous building process to get where you want, which is to me, fulfillment. That’s why we do what we do, in whatever pursuit in life, it’s to get the ultimate satisfaction and fulfillment out of it. And you’re going to really want it if you’re going to hit that strive to hit that.

Rob Brown (12:24):

Right. Yeah, this has been a great conversation, Phil’s gone a lot deeper and further maybe then than we initially planned for to but if you’re still listening, and we hope that you’re buying into this, the simple idea of get it, want it and capacity to do it. 

And as always, we want you to like take this concept, and look for ways that you can actually put it in to action because just hearing and even if you go out and read traction and learn more about it isn’t going to make any difference if you don’t take action. 

That’s what I would suggest to folks listening to this, you know, are you getting ready to do maybe annual reviews of your team members to kind of see where they are on your team and where they want to go? Going forward. Go through a get it one at capacity to do it. Set of questioning with them to make them stronger, and what they do and really help point them in the right direction. 

Are you getting ready to hire somebody or create a new position? Get it one at capacity to do it? How do you allow those questions to influence what you want to do going forward? Or maybe you’re just doing some planning for yourself? And you’re thinking, you know, do I really get what it is I’m trying to do? Do I want it? 

And do I have the capacity for it? We would suggest because we’re biased, that if you use the truest fan planning process, the tourist fan action plan, that you’re going to be answering these questions along the way. 

But use these questions as some of your decision making. See if it helps you get better, stronger answers where whether you’re building your team or developing your yourself as a leader, that you’re on the right path, and maybe focus on the one because I think that is a strong place to start because we all do better doing those things that we want to do that we enjoy doing the most, especially when they’re aligned with our big goals and our big dreams and our big plans.

 Phil Calandra (14:30):

Couldn’t agree more Rob, love it.

Rob Brown (14:32):

Awesome. Well, let’s wrap up this episode of the podcast, reminding you to share this episode with your friends, but also letting you know as always that we are rooting for your success again.

Thanks for joining us for this episode. The Truest Fan Blueprints If you want to learn more, head over to our website truestfan.com. On the site, you’ll learn more about becoming a truest fan. You’ll also find today’s show notes and links to the other gifts and resources we talked about 

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