Leading with Value

Leading with Value (Featuring John Thompson)

Financial advisors are not always measured by their credentials, they are evaluated by the kind of human being that they are. If you truly want to make an impact, it’s important to understand that living and leading with integrity and value is critical. However, in today’s world, it’s a challenge to look for someone who’s willing to understand what people value most, who’s willing to listen, and someone who really cares about being part of the solution to problems. When people recognize that someone genuinely cares about them, it becomes easier to guide them toward the right path. Taking the time to ask questions and dig deeper encourages a nurturing relationship filled with value and support even through the most trying and difficult moments in life. 

Amplify Your Relationship Capital By Serving Others

Amplify Your Relationship Capital By Serving Others (Featuring Doug Greathouse)

Sometimes happiness seems elusive. We struggle to find fulfillment. Our business goals feel out of reach. One great path to all three is committing to helping others. When you focus on others instead of yourself, you open up opportunities for growth and change that you may have never thought possible. During this episode, Doug walks us through how serving others can increase your relationship capital. Indeed, from mentorship to networking and even just lending a helping hand, paying it forward has unseen benefits that can help you succeed like never before.

Will You REALLY Accomplish Your Goals This Year?

Will You REALLY Accomplish Your Goals This Year? (Hosted by Rob Brown and Phil Calandra)

You can’t just write your goals and hope that they will magically come true. To accomplish goals, you need a plan with specific, measurable action steps. This way you know what you need to do each day to actually achieve your targets. When you focus time on developing action plans, you stop daydreaming about what could be possible. You procrastinate less and get time back in your day. Ultimately, you achieve the things that matter most to you.

Dream Big to Achieve Your Most Cherished Goals

Dream Big to Achieve Your Most Cherished Goals with Phil Calandra

The first step to creating meaningful goals, scaling impact and achieving success is dreaming big. Acknowledging and empowering what is possible will lead to greater heights in both personal and professional endeavors. This is true if you’re thinking about the year ahead or the rest of your life. You must start with your biggest dreams.

The Importance of Staying Positive and Being Empathetic

The Importance of Staying Positive and Being Empathetic (Featuring James Mayer)

Sometimes life throws us curveballs. We begin to wonder if things could get any worse. Even though, deep down, we know they won’t. In this episode of the Truest Fan podcast, we talk about the importance of staying positive.

No matter what kind of circumstances you’re in, there’s always a positive aspect to consider. However, it’s up to you to look at it as a challenge or an opportunity. These experiences present an amazing chance to stay positive and be more empathetic toward others if you learn to acknowledge them.

Make Your Marketing More Fun

Make Your Marketing More Fun (Featuring Seth Greene)

Have you noticed that your marketing is a little off or you’re not getting your fair share of new business and opportunities? You might be trapped in a boring marketing process. In this episode of the Truest Fan podcast, I have a wonderful conversation about making your marketing fun with Seth Greene.

Finding out what matters most with your clients and taking advantage of this information sets your marketing on the right course. It keeps your marketing from becoming boring and transactional and transforms it into a fun conversation where clients feel that they’re valued.

Designed To Shine

Designed To Shine (Featuring Samantha Riley)

Each of us is wired very differently. We are meant to do different things and to be different people. In this episode of the Truest Fan podcast, I share a fascinating discussion with Samantha Riley about why you are designed to shine.

We all have our own zone of genius and realizing that each one is designed to shine allows energy to flow in alignment with the right path, clients, and opportunities. Know more about how you can unapologetically lean into who you are and how you’re designed to shine by tuning in to the episode.

Finding More Joy in Business and Life

Finding More Joy in Business and Life (Featuring Simon Severino)

When entrepreneurs create a business plan, they often look for processes that result in efficiency and repeatability. Most of them believe that businesses are only meant to solve problems which means the fun part of these processes is often taken for granted. You may have an amazing process but when no one is doing it, it defeats the purpose. Learn more about how you can incorporate fun in business processes so you and your team feel motivated and geared toward important goals, be sure to listen to this episode.

Why You Need To Leave Things Better Than The Way You Found Them

Episode 025 - Why You Need To Leave Things Better Than The Way You Found Them (Featuring Azul Terronez)

You may think that subtle pieces of advice are just ordinary principles, but they can actually create the most impact in life. In this episode of the Truest Fan podcast, my guest, Azul Terronez, talks about why you need to leave things better than the way you found them – one of the greatest pieces of advice he has received.

Never Go to Bed Angry

Never Go to Bed Angry (Featuring Beth Blecker)

We’ve all heard the saying, “never go to bed angry.” My guest today, Beth Blecker, learned this lesson from her father when she was a child. And though she admits she’s not perfect at it, Beth has used this age-old wisdom to remind herself not to hold grudges and to accept mistakes.She believes this advice has helped her build a terrific financial planning practice and an incredible life filled with family, friends and fun.