Many high achievers work hard for more money, power and success. But when they finally get it, they’re devastated because the things they have chased for years give them zero happiness.
That’s because most people live without purpose. If you’re lacking purpose, no amount of money will make you happy. But if your life has purpose, you’ll feel fulfilled—whether you’re driving an Italian sports car or a rusty sedan.
To find that purpose you have to dream big and set big goals. But if you want to actually fulfill your purpose in life, you need a strategy.
This episode is your masterclass on the “Truest Fan” strategy to finding and fulfilling your purpose. The lessons show you how to achieve your biggest goals while believing in yourself, helping others and living the life you’re meant to live!
Do you want to have a greater impact on your family, your business, and your community? Then listen now!
Show highlights include:
- Why you may need to throw your business plan in the trash if you want to make an impact you can be proud of (3:52)
- The “fortune teller” exercise that steers you towards your dreams (5:01)
- A step-by-step checklist that lets you clarify your dreams (even if you have no idea where to start) (9:40)
- How to get closer to your goals every day (even with a hectic schedule, a full inbox and endless news fighting for your attention) (12:41)
- How to play the “game of life” right so you have more fun (and more big wins!) (13:06)
- How to reach colossal success by starting with a few minor tweaks (16:19)
Podcast Transcript
You’re listening to the truest fan podcast. And now here’s your host, Rob Brown.
If you’re serious about getting results, if you’re serious about turning your dreams, and your beliefs and your priorities into action steps, you need to have a game plan. Hello, folks, this is Rob Brown host of the truest fan podcast. Welcome to episode number five. And we’re going to walk through a process for turning your game plan into action steps.
So you get results so that you have impact so you live with purpose, in business, and in your personal life. Let’s get started. As you may recall, over the last four episodes, I’ve introduced you to what I call the truest fan effect. It’s my system, my lessons and wisdom, for helping you create that purpose in that impact in your life. And in your business. We’ve talked about dreaming big, really shooting for the stars, and everything that you do and everything you want to accomplish, because there’s nothing that you cannot accomplish, if you put your mind to it. We’ve talked about creating priorities. We’ve talked about creating success habits, home run habits, things that you need to do every day to make your dreams come true.
But the other thing you need is you need a game plan, you need a way to mark out the way that you’re going to run your game, the way that you’re going to move from one step to the next from one success to another. And, unfortunately, is I talk with a lot of people in my personal life who I just get to know and different things that I do.
Or in my coaching work, I’m talking to potential clients about what they want to do with their businesses, I find that they fall into kind of one of two camps. One, they don’t have a game plan at all, or if they do, it’s it’s very shallow, it doesn’t go deep, it doesn’t walk them through the steps that they need to take to get the things that they really want. Or, and this probably happens more often, because most of the people that I talk to and work with are highly successful, their game plan is too full, they have too many plays on the plates that they’re trying to do all at one time. Or they’re not looking for ways to be able to get their whole team to work on that game plan.
But one thing I know is that folks who have game plans for having success in their business for getting to higher and higher levels of success. Folks who have game plans for being a better home being better fathers and better husbands have a game plan. It doesn’t happen by accident, they have a process that they work through every single day, so that they know where they’re headed, they know they’re on the right track.
A great example that’s happening with one of my clients right now is a client who about a year ago was managing about $30 million dollars. And he set out for a big dream of five year ambitious goal of reaching $500 million in assets under management. And it had taken him several years just to get that first roughly $30 million. But now over the course of just a little bit more than a year, he’s added an additional $40 million. He’s more than doubled the assets that he oversees. And when you talk with him about the difference between the length of time that it took to get him up to that 31st 30 million, and where he is now hitting over 70 million on his way to 500 million. He’ll tell you, it’s because he has a game plan, a game plan that really takes three critical components into play.
Number one, it’s that big dream that we talked about in episode number two, really not being afraid to say you know, even though I have a lot fewer assets under management than many of my peers, I’m really feeling I’m just getting started in this investment advisory business. I’m still gonna dream big. I still think I can be a $500 million, up a half a billion dollar business in five years. And he set that dream squarely in his mind. And he shared that dream with his team so that they’re all working towards that same long term goal.
The second thing that’s happening is that we’ve turned that big dream into a one year plan. We’ve said, This is what we need to have happen. Over the course of a year, we’ve laid out specific activities, for marketing for client care for teamwork, that really all makes sense. We’ve even included in that, making sure that this big goal of reaching $500 million doesn’t impact the amount of time that this client wants to spend with his family. He’s being very intentional about his family. In fact, he’s getting ready to have a new child. And he’s, he’s putting that time into his game plan into that one year plan. But the most important thing that he tell you that he’s done, that he’s taken that one year plan, and broken it up into a series of 12 week sprints, so each 12 weeks, we set very concrete objectives.
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Listing beside those objectives, the key results that we’re looking for, and we create action steps in this tends to be a much smaller number of objectives, and key results and activities than if we were looking at it for the full 12 months. That allows him and the members of his team to concentrate more on what it is he is trying to accomplish. And they’ve accomplished a lot. I’m really proud of the work that they’re doing. And it’s because they have a game plan.
As I said, Too many people don’t have a game plan, or they look at their game plan the wrong way they try sort of a more is more approach, the more stuff I can put in my game plan, the more I’ll get done, the bigger my business will grow in the bigger all the other results that I’m looking for, in my personal life or in the things that I am doing. As a volunteer and out in the community. More is more more is more, the more I do, the more I’ll get, the more I do the market, that’s impossible you can’t do, there’s a limit to how much you can do. In fact, our motto in the work that we’re doing with this particular client is slowing down to speed up we’re looking for ways to break things down into those into those 12 week Sprint’s that are very measurable, very actionable, very achievable, over short periods of time, that allows us to focus on what is really most important.
One of the ways that I like to think about this is the way that many people do their business planning is I throw together a big 12 month plan ad it’s like 27 pages long, full of all sorts of the details, they say, Well, this is my game plan, these are the things that I’m going to do to get to my goals or to overcome my challenges this year. And they put that plan into place early in the year or, or in a new year of planning if they’re, if they’re sort of establishing a new initiative. As I talk to folks who do that, and we go back and we look at what they’ve accomplished, oftentimes, what we find is that they get to the end of the first 12 weeks, the end of the first quarter. And they say well, you know, I haven’t accomplished a quarter of what I want to accomplish. I haven’t, you know, I’m not on track yet for those year long goals, but no worries, I’ve got nine months to go. And then three more months later, another quarter later, they look at their their goals I track, you know, the assets that they’re managing the the revenues, that they’re growing the income that they’re making, you know, the time they’re actually spending with their family or with cars they care about they go, you know, I haven’t gotten quite halfway there yet. In fact, you know, I really am being honest, I’m not close to halfway there, but it’s okay. I still have six more months to go. And I don’t know, I don’t have to tell you what can oftentimes happen at the end of the third quarter. But at the end of the year, what happens way more often than it should is they haven’t gotten close to their goals, because the game plan that they thought they established with that year long business plan was never really put into place because they tried to do too much all at one time. So they ended up doing very little they kept putting things off and putting things off and saying, you know, I’ve got more time, I’ve got more time, I don’t have to rush, I don’t have to hurry.
So that’s why when I talk about creating a game plan, sure, I want to talk about the big dreams. Where do you want to be in five and 10 years with your business? With your family? With the things you’re doing? As you volunteer? Where do you want to be? What kind of impact would you like to have? What will things look like? Who will you be around? But then also want to dial that back and say, Okay, what does that mean, this year?
What’s the first step? If this if this is a progression of yours, towards where you want to go? But then the third step, the thing that’s most important, is we look at, what are we going to do over the next 12 weeks? What are we going to do in this next sprint period of time where we’re going to set very concrete objectives, we’re gonna set very specific key results that you’re trying to achieve. What are you going to do in terms of the actions?
What are the actions, you’re going to take towards those key results and objectives that 12 week period of time, has a magical way of helping your results compound, quarter after quarter after quarter. And most clients who do that when we’re working together, find that they accomplished their one year goals much faster than they thought they would, because they’re able to operate under a game plan that really helps them get things done. And you can apply this to all aspects of life. So I want to encourage you, if you’re thinking about your game plan, how are you going to accomplish those things that are most important to you, looking out to the long term, looking out for the next 12 months? What do you can do for the next 12 weeks? What does that plan look like? And if you have an interest in learning more about that type of planning, shoot me an email at, that’s And just put in “impact planning” in the subject line. That’s “impact planning” and I will send you a free copy of my Impact Planning worksheet, which allows you to go through those three steps to create that 12 week sprint that gives you a solid game plan and a head starts actually maybe even an unfair advantage and getting the things done that you want to get done. That will lead to your you achieving your biggest dreams and your biggest goals.
So thanks for listening. That’s it for this episode. I can’t wait to hear from you. This is Rob Brown signing out. Take care.
Take care,
Rob Brown